Victoria turned eight this month so she had the privilege of being baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!She was blessed to be baptized by her daddy.We are so proud of her decision! She was baptized in the same baptism dress as her sisters. We also celebrated a birthday for Reece as well.He always gets a great celebration since his birthday is July 4th!
2 weeks ago
Congratulations Victoria for following your Savior! Love you!
Always a joyous day when a child comes to Jesus! Hooray!
Congats Victoria! You all look great!You girls are all so tan!!
I have been thinking a lot about you and your family. Hope all is well and that your adoption journey is continuing.
It's back to school for us. Fall, football, homework... all that good stuff.
Hope all is well with your family!
God Bless
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