Waiting NINE months since trip 1 to Russia for a court date yesterday we FINALLY found out we have 2 court dates for our little ones. Long story I can not go into here but, we have to be in Russia in 7 days !! Our first court date is Oct 29th and the second within a week.Due to our complicated case I may need to stay the entire time which would be over a month in Russia.I am somewhat paniced over this since running a household of presently seven is a full time job and my mommy heart is missing my kids already.I have a wonderful brother and famiy who is taking over but, it is a HUGE task to take over a large family like ours . I was planning on coming home for the 10 day waiting period and then going back. We are trying to figure it all out here in the next day or so since we have to leave by the end of the week!!! We have our visa but, our bloodwork is still in the works because they told us it is only good for 30 days now.We have been waiting waiting waiting and now we are rushing like crazy people trying to get it all together in less then a week !
We still do not know whether one of our little ones will be cleared to come home with us but, we hope and pray what ever the outcome that our hearts will be at peace and know we have come and have done all we can.
2 weeks ago