We spent last week in the Pacific Northwest up in Oregon and Washington State. We saw the sun only a couple times so I guess we are a bit spoiled living in So.California.Lots of green and a change of scenery though !
On the adoption front,we have heard NOTHING! There have still been no court dates for the Vladivostok region.We found out that Fed Ex had lost our package to Russia containing the last court Documents. After three days it was located and did make it to Vlad.I have totally given this adoption experience over to the lord. I am emotionally exhausted and am running out of steam to worry any more. I just hate having our babies keep waiting and for us missing out on their childhood with their family.We are so hoping everything is complete by end of September because a big chunk of our paperwork will expire including our home study.I feel like my main job during the last THREE years has been doing adoption paperwork.I have heard the judges are very picky so who knows what else needs to be done.We had been told court would most likely be in July which now seems unlikely.So, as we have done so much of we continue to do....wait.