The last month has proven to me once again how much we depend on the lord to help us.Even though I know that weathering the storms of life gives us experience and fine tunes us to be more like God it certainly is not easy !! We have been battling a frightening, stressful, and emotionally draining health issue with one of our children .We are so praying the next few weeks will be the beginning to bring the proper treatment needed.It is so hard to see your child suffer and not be able to fix it in addition realizing this will need to be very carefully treated and managed for the rest of their life.
Any extra prayers are greatly appreciated !
2 weeks ago
Corinne--- You and your dear family are in my prayers. I am praying for the strength and guidance you need to weather the storm. All the Best KAte.
Know I love you guys and pray for you !
Prayers for you...last night I was reading about Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God and how God uses trials sometimes to remind us to trust Him implicitly. God is faithful, and holds you all in His hands.
I'm sorry to hear you and your family are dealing with a stressful medical issue. Please know you are in my prayers.
The comment from 'Eugene' is from me, sorry. Obviously my husband forgot to sign out of gmail this morning when using my laptop!
Corinne - Your family is in our prayers.
Corinne, please know we are so praying for your dear son.He is so blessed to have YOU! There is no one I know who is more faithful to her calling as a mother than you. Praying you all can be strong and get through this with peace and assurance.
Keeping you guys in my prayers. Hope whatever is going on will be resolved soon.
Dear Corinne, I just found out what you guys are going through. I can not imagine the stress and fear you must be going through. Know that we are praying for all of you ! Sara
praying for you... thinking of you adn just checking in.. know that I'm praying for you tonight...
Corinne, Your faith and courage is so amazing and inspirational as you are going through this.You are a strong and faithful woman and mother !! Hang in there and know we love you guys!
Thanks for checking in on my blog. I'm sorry to hear of your child's illness, and I hope that things are going better for him now. I hope you find lots of support, perhaps with other families facing the same diagnosis. There are a lot of online groups, just like with adoption. Strength and healing to you all.
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