We had agreat time on our trip to the Bahamas!We spent a couple days in the Miami area before we left on our cruise from the Port of Miami.The beaches in the Bahamas are so incredible! They are sooo blue and warm!! The sand is soo soft and fine! Snorkeling was a favorite for the kids.The ocean water here in California is so much colder so I Loved having the water be warm!The cruise liner was really nice but, living in two cabins with 5 kids gave us a bit of a lot of togetherness !Coming home again made us appreciate our own space!These times together however, are priceless as the kids are growing up so fast!
You guys always do such fun stuff! Glad you had fun!
Looks like you are having lots of happy times and precious moments this summer!
What awesome pictures. You guys go on great vacations. Your family is way cute!! Julye Cox
What beautiful beach babes you are! I want a trip to the Bahamas!!!
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