Here are a few pics of Vladivostok, pic of us at a temple in Seoul Korea and a body pic of our little B.
Our family adventures including the challenging road of international adoption. We completed our first adoption to bring two children home from Vladivostok Russia in November 2010.We completed our second adoption journey in July 2012 and brought home two more blessings from Vladivostok.We are now a complete family and go forth with our everyday adventures of raising our nine children.
Vladivostok |
Totally awesome! LOVE the last picture even without his face!
He looks ready for lots of hugs!!
Cannot wait until it's more than a body pic!
Great pics! So happy for you to have gotten thru that first trip.... so many more great pics to come! Can't wait to see him HOME with you! :)
So thrilled for you !! Keep us posted when you go back.
Wow! So much to take in and so amazing at the same time.I am so thrilled for all of you.Keep us posted. Hugs to you all.
Cant wait to meet the little guy!!
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