We arrived home yesterday after leaving Vladivostok on Friday and then spending a couple days in Korea.
Where do I begin? So many thoughts,emotions,highs and lows but, most importantly we are so grateful we listened to the promptings to come despite things turning out differently then we had expected.Sometimes we just cannot comprehend how we are divinely lead to situations we would have not thought.
We arrived in Vladovostok on Saturday the 16th and settled in at the hotel. We met several families there who were on trip two and already had there children.On Sunday we went for a walk in the neighborhood down to the completely frozen solid "beach". We kept following the music and found a skating rink there where many were enjoying there afternoon in -29 C weather!! We did not last too long it was just sooo cold!!
Monday morning finally arrived and we went to the orphanage to see sweet baby girl. She was so precious! We held her and played with her for a couple hours the first visit.More then ANYTHING I wanted to feel peace and yet we did not have it. After our visits and many emails to our IA doctors we had to make a very painful decision to decline. I kept wanting to have that peace of going forth and yet we both knew we must listen to the answers we receive. As I held this precious child I prayed fervently that she would find a family who would and could take on what were unable to at this point in our lives. We have felt a peace I can not explain but, it does not make it any less painful with kinds of feeling I can not explain. As I gave the baby to the caregiver the last time I could feel those big, huge tears streaming down my face.I just wanted it to be different but, it was not going to be.I had to let go of my dream of having this precious child in our family. We knew coming that if we declined we would have to come home and wait for another referral.We both felt a strong urge to come and knew someday we would know why.
This is when we begin to see the plan for our family! We were told of a little boy who became available. At the beginning I was very hesitant because we were here for a girl! We knew however that are paperwork actually approves us for two. Something inside just kept telling us to go see this little boy over and over again ! The next day we drove to his orphanage. As we walked in the music room in the orphanage here came the most ADORABLE 2 year old little boy! I can not explain in words the thoughts I had other then I already knew this little boy .We just knew he was meant to be ours.We felt an instant connection with him as he did with us. He is not what we expected but we would have NEVER been lead to him because he did not meet our age requirements. We KNOW we had to be lead to him somehow even if it meant we had to decline another child.
So, this is where it gets even more interesting. We will not only bring home our little boy but, will continue our journey to our little girl from the same region . We do not know when we will receive another baby girl referral from Vladivostok but, we KNOW we are being led and we will follow. When we were doing our home study I am not really sure why we put down two kids other then for a "just in case scenario". Little did we really understand.
There is still so much to absorb from all that has transpired in such a short time. The extreme emotions of sadness to happiness to peace and seeing the plan for us is just a bit overwhelming.The roller coaster of all this is hard and yet I could of never imagined the plan for us.I will post a few pics when I get them down loaded.
2 weeks ago
Corinne, I'm so sorry you had to go through the heartache of declining a referral while in country. We did that with Kyrg and were matched the very next day with our beautiful son who has been home since October 2008. He was clearly the child God chose for us! I pray you will continue to feel a strong sense of peace as you move forward with the adoption of your son AND a daughter!
You are such an inspiration to me to go through this journey with such faith and courage.
Corinne-- When we started our journey to complete our family we had no intention of adopting a 2 year old little boy, we feel Matthew found us. Now that we are home with him it feels as if he was ours forever we know we were led to him. Sometimes we get what we need not what we ask for Good Luck Can't wait to see your beautiful boy. All the Best Kate.
Oh Corinne.. I came over to check in and found all this.. wow.. going to prayer for you guys NOW!
Keep me posted.. :)
love ya..
How amazing! What a wonderful story. I had a friend who set out to adopt one little boy from Russia, and ended up with 3 little sisters. They are so precious, and so amazing. God be with you and your journey that continues!
Wow! That really must have been hard. I am so happy for you to feel the true call in the right direction... can't wait to see pictures!
Your Story should really be a book someday. I love reading your blog on your journey to find your children. Your family is just beautiful.
Simply amazing and faith promoting! Thank you for sharing this!!!
Unbelievable...and yet totally believable at the same time. I'm so sorry for your heartache in decsion making but grateful for your peace. Cannot wait to see pictures!
So sorry for the heartache you had to endure when you turned down your referral. I am so excited about your new little boy and your little girl. That is such great news. Cannot wait to see pictures!!
What an emotional rollercoaster! I'm glad you came to peace with declining the little girl, and so happy you found a little boy! Your little girl is there somewhere...don't give up! Thank you for sharing your story.
THRILLED for your family!!! I can't wait to see your precious son and the daughter to follow!!! You may have to change your blog to "nine will be fine". God is SO good!
In Christ,
I am sorry you had such a painful experience with the first baby girl. I do hope the right family will find her soon.
What wonderful news about the 2 yo boy! You will have an amazing story to tell him in years to come.
All I can say is Wow!
You are on an amazing journey!Thank you for sharing it with us. Glad you made it home safe!
You are such a great family and whatever child or children you bring home will be so blessed. Good luck on your journey and thanks for sharing. I miss you.
Julye Cox
WOW -- what a story. I know the emotions had to have been overpowering through it all. I'm glad you have allowed God to lead you where your children are. I can't wait to read more!
I am so glad you heard The Voice and more importantly listened to it. I know I am a bit late in commenting but have had no time for blog stalking myself lately. Wanted you to know I pray for your family, and that your trust in the Guidance you received will be rewarded. So happy for you!
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