Our family adventures including the challenging road of international adoption. We completed our first adoption to bring two children home from Vladivostok Russia in November 2010.We completed our second adoption journey in July 2012 and brought home two more blessings from Vladivostok.We are now a complete family and go forth with our everyday adventures of raising our nine children.
Vladivostok |
Fun! We have a couple pumpkins on the porch but haven't carved yet. Its been getting down to freezing at night so if we carve too early, the pumpking freezes and unfreezes many times, and then looks like a wrinkled up old man by Halloween!
Wow...those would be a lot of pumpkins if planted!!!! Oh well, they're great roasted too!!!
loved it... plant em all Mama... just have a backyard pumpkin patch... LOL!!!!
looked like a ton of fun!
hey, I surfed in to here from Christine's "Smiles & Trials" blog and I just wanted to say I hope and pray you get your referral soon. You are a beautiful family and any little child will be lucky to join you guys.
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