

Friday, June 27, 2008

Wake up Call !

This morning we had a pleasant wake up call from our familiar Fed Ex guy! Our FBI fingerprints and clearance letter have arrived.I sent them last week with a prepaid Fed Ex envelope and eight days later they are back.Its not a big surprise that we do not have a arrest record but, at least now we can prove it and this part of our requirement is done. I still need to get them notarized,certified and Authenticated but, will wait until I have a couple more things together so I can do them in one trip.I also recieved our marraige certificates yesterday again!We had to order them again because some of the words did not print clearly on the other ones I ordered.Since all these documents are translated every word must be completely legible.

In other news, we had a fun time at Sea World.The first thing the kids wanted to do is the Wild Artic Adventure simulated helicopter ride.I am not sure I will be going on any more motion simulated helicopter rides any time soon.This weekend we have family in town for my nephew Kadens baptism on Saturday and for our other twin nephews Ethan and Owen baby blessings on Sunday.Lots of activity and family time.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Progress Made

This past week we were able to get our FBI fingerprints taken and sent out.This was one of the new requirements for our Kyrgystan dossier.Our agency informed us the FBI should process it quickly if they know it is for an international adoption.I followed the instuctions carefully so hopefully we will have clearance in a couple weeks.We also updated our medicals.We did them to early not knowing the delays and changes in the dossier.We also had to get a new cover letter for our Home Study because some of the attachments were no longer needed with the new changes. The list goes on but, at least we made progress.Now we wait again for others to do their job so we can move forward .

It was a quiet week here with two of the kids in Arizona visiting my brothers family and grandparents.I have totally forgotten what it is like to have three kids verses five.It was like a mini vacation at home.I guess I must really be used to organized chaos.On Monday we will take the youngest three kids down to San Diego for the day.I will take them to Sea World while dearest husband attends a meeting and will join us later.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Introduction To Our Adoption Journey

Ok, so I have just entered into the world of blogging, thanks to my sister Tanya( ironically an adoptee from Korea) and daughter Caroline for helping set up our families new adoption blog. I am not as computer savvy as they are so, I am grateful to get started journaling about our adoption process of our hopefully soon to be son or daughter from Kyrgyzstan. Family history and journaling is important to me so what a great way to remember things that might eventually fade in our memories.

Our adoption journey started back in November of 2007 when we signed with our agency and shortly thereafter started with our Home Study. The Home Study process was not to bad except it took so long to complete and get written up. Being one that likes to have things done in a timely manner this was my first lesson in patience. During this time and since our completed Home Study we have had so many changes including new country requirements for our dossier. So far this journey has been a lesson in patience, endurance, and letting go of any control you think you may have.