1 week ago
Monday, May 28, 2012
They are ours ! Plus A few pics of Vladivostok in Spring !
Well, It is official ! The judge granted our petition to adopt Alexander and Analiese!We will be able to pick them up in 30 days after the manditory wait time.Court was similar to last time and lasted about 1.5 hours. She took a short recess of 2 minutes and had us return to the court room with a positive outcome.We return home tomorrow and will return in a few weeks !
After court we did some more exploring since the weather is SO much better to walk around in now then it was in Winter !We are blessed !!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Russia Update
WOW ! It has been a really busy few days! Not sure what time zone my body is on but, we are back in Russia. We left the United States on Saturday morning and flew to Tokyo. We spent the next day exploring Tokyo which was fast but, really fun.Love the efficiency and organization in Japan.We then had a connecting flight from Tokyo to Seoul to Beijing China to Vladivostok. We had to do this route to get to our medicals on Tuesday afternoon.Everything was going really smoothly until the flight crew on a Russian airline informed us we were not going to be able to land in Vladivostok!We had to fly to another city called Khabarovsk an hour flying time north of Vlad due to weather. We landed in Khabarovsk and sat in the plane for an hour or two and then flew back to Vladivostok. We finally arrived at the hotel in Vlad around 1:pm and headed out to do our medicals at 2:30. A bit too close for comfort but, we made it as well as another couple who was also on our flight from Beijing to Vlad and had medicals the same time as us.The medicals were like last time for our other adoption. Very short and a bit humorous.
Yesterday and today we went to visit our little ones! Have I ever said how absolutely adorable they are? Little Missy remembered me.She is the sweetest dainty little thing who melts my heart.I can not wait to get her home so we can get her medical treatment started.Little guy has some major cheeks and has a huge personality and looks really great and healthy ! We have been able to go outside on our visits which has made our visits so much nicer and the kids get to feel the sunshine. Every thing is going well.Tuesday the 29th we will head to court to become the parents of two sweet babes whom we will name Analiese and Alexander !
Friday, May 11, 2012
Back in my Swiss Home Town.
I always enjoy coming home to my roots where it all began for me. In a couple days I will be back in California repacking to head over the pacific to Russia for court and medicals for the babies. Lots and lots of miles over the next month or so and lots of exitement too !!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Court Date !
We have received our court date to adopt baby boy D and little miss D. We have to be in Russia on May 21st so we can do medicals on May 22nd !! Our court date is the beginning of the following week ! The medicals in Vlad however are only done on Tuesdays in the afternoon so that is why we have to be there almost a week before court.We also need a couple visits with each child as well.Our other option is to go through Moscow and do the medicals there but, that's a lot more hours on the plane than going over the pacific through Korea !
We were not really expecting to get a court date until around the middle of May because of the holidays the first couple weeks in Russia but, we did.I am really feeling exited and a bit overwhelmed here since I also have to go back to my homeland of Switzerland on a very unexpected trip this weekend as well !! I will return one week before we are off to Court.It looks like our court trip will be about 10 days long. We will then come home and wait the 30 days before we can go back and pick them up and bring them home !
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