This past Saturday the little ones had their first experience at the beach here in California with actually playing in the water.While we were in Russia we took them to the beach near the Vlad Inn in Vladivostok but, it certainly was a different experience with the frozen sea there.The older boys wanted to go surfing and boogie boarding so we headed over to one of the surfer beaches pretty close to our home. What a joy it was to watch Brock and Milana experience another first. Brock was in beach heaven ! He loves the water and could not get enough of it. When the waves knocked him over he was still all smiles. Milana was a little more reserved but enjoyed the sand play. When she got wet she did not like getting dirty with the wet sand. I guess she is just all girl in that way.They both loved watching their brother Bryce and Papa surf.I am sure this will be only one of many beach days they will enjoy as they grow up as little Californians.
2 weeks ago
Love their HUGE smiles! It looks like you all enjoyed a fabulous day at the beach:)
If I were a child again I would want to be in your family!Always do such great outings with the kids !
Great pics!!!!! We cant wait till we take Polina to the beach and see her reaction. It looked like it was a beautiful day and kids really had a lot of fun.
So cute! How lucky these little ones are to be getting to experience so much good and fun in the world!
What fun!! Jeffs parents live near San Diego and our kids love to go to the beach there. My oldest son loves to try his hand a surfing.
It looks like you guys had a great day.
They are so blessed to have a family !! I am enjoying so much watching them blossom in your home. ! Love the pics !!!
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