On the outside I appear pretty calm however, I am fooling everyone because things have been so stressful and I am a complete stress case! We have had to redo several documents due to our Home Study making a mistake and our Agency did not catch it until they were imformed from Russia. I have been running around redoing , notorizing and getting these documents authenticated again!The timing is so close that we will not recieve these docs until the day we leave!! Just plain stress!
In addition to the document stress we recieved a worrisome e mail regarding our little one.All this stress has obviously lowered my immune system and I am trying to kick a kidney infection. I feel like I am in a constant battle.
We are actually going and I am just trying to be strong and have faith. We will be leaving sunny seventy degree weather here in California in a few short days and heading to a cold russian winter ! ! It gives me chills just thinking about it since I pretty much wear sandles all year long ! Little one here we come!
2 weeks ago
Hang in there girl. Just try to focus on yourself a bit.You need to be well! We will be thinking of you!!
If you think you are stressed now, just wait till you add another child to your home. God, Love and care will not replace the fact you do not know the child nor have met to bond with them.
You could be getting a bag of problems....just like Krygyzstan.
Lots of sickly kids being passed off to Americans for hefty price tags.
Wow! I'm shocked at the anonymous comment left for you. I would consider making your blog private when you get back home and have a chance to do so.
I'm definitely thinking of you... hoping all goes smoothly with traveling and meeting your little one. Looking to hearing all about your experience! Best wishes!!!
Looking forward to hearing all about your little one. Blessings to you!
hi there. my name is laura. i left my family home (3 kids under 6 yrs old and husband) mid-dec and left for vlad alnoe from ny. i totally understand what u must be feeling. saying good-bye to kids was harder than i thought but totally worth it. experience in vlad was AMAZING!!!! can't wait to go back to pick up son. i too may do 3 trips total, and i wondered why u may too. is this your 1st adoption? it is 4 us. best. laura in ny my email is damicoljjj@yahoo.com
So so excited for you. It will be okay. Traveling internationally is a very stressful event but so worth it when you hold your child in your arms. Ignore what that anonymous person said. No offense but she is an idiot and has never experienced the feeling of love from holding your child for the first time that you have been waiting and trying so hard to bring home. Keep us updated. Keeping you in my prayers!!
You'll make it through this stress! Will be thinking of you on your trip and hoping it will go smoothly.
Wishing you the best and safe travels! Hope everything works out with your little one. Traveling to Russia is such an adventure - super stressful yet wonderful. You are in my prayers!
This trip will be so great, I know. Best wishes to you. Get rested up, and keep us posted. We go w/you in prayer.
I am praying for you as you travel. I can not wait to hear of your journey when you return. I pray all is well with your little girl as well. May God be with you and your family as you make this exciting journey.
In Christ,
Just found your blog again while going through my old one. Can't wait to see your new baby girl! Hope your travels are wonderful! God bless! Amber
Your a tough cookie.You will get through it! Thinking of you!
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