As I am watching kids swim I am wondering what this next year will bring our family.How fun it will be to get out all those baby pool toys and teach another little one to swim and enjoy the water.In regards to our adoption we are watching the developments,waiting patiently (sort of ) for things to get moving again after all the lengthy delays and wondering when all this waiting will end! We have always felt on the right path. Like many other families we will wait it out and see what happens in the next few weeks .Not having specific time frames or expectations does seem to help in this process now so we are not always dissapointed.We have certainly learned the meaning of "rolling with the punches". Let us pray most of the punches are over and the referrals start rolling!
I love the alliteration!!!!
totally got caught up on the happenings of your family.. and oh my goodness.. what a great last day of 08 you had!!! wow!!!
I am SO jealous of the kids in the pool... looked so fun!!
It's cold here tonight... about 10 degrees or so... BURR!!!!
glad to hear you are all better.. and ready for 2009!!! Praying for you always!!!
Can not wait to see what happens this year.
LOVE your blog site! The music is so peaceful and I can't see enough of your beautiful family. Whichever little boy or girl joins your family will sure be lucky!
I so wish for warm weather! We are -20 wind chill. Please send us some warm air!
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