6 months ago today our little ones left their life in an orphanage behind.On November 18th 2010 we started the day by making the two and a half hour drive from Vladivostok to Ussyrisk to pick up Brock from the orphanage.It was a very cold day with temperatures well below freezing. All the children in Brock's "groupa" seemed to know what was going on when we arrived at the orphanage.His caretakers all came in and kissed him a tearful goodbye and told him to have a happy life.Priceless pictures were taken of his roommates and caretakers.Everything was pretty rush rush and we quickly changed his clothes,bundled him up to Russian standards and we were off to get Milana at her orphanage back in Vladivostok.Brock just soaked everything up while driving to get Milana. It was like an entire new world for him. He did get car sick (poor little guy)but, I knew that he might being the roads were very rough and bumpy.We were running late to pick up Milana so everything happened at lightning speed.The orphanages keep to a very strict schedule.We returned to the Vlad Inn at around 6pm and had both our precious ones with me forever !I can play the movie in my mind as if it were yesterday.
Fast forward 6 months later,they are like two completely different little children. We just can not imagine our lives without them anymore.It has not always been easy with two children adjusting to family life but, so very rewarding.Now that they know English most people are just amazed that they have only been with us for 6 months.We continue to work on some minor issues but, overall they are doing very well adjusting family life here in California.