We are a very busy family these days. Milana and Brock are doing well.Brock is mellow and charming and Milana is a firecracker and full of endless energy and very stubborn! They are picking up english very quickly.Brock is still having skin rashes probably due to allergies we are still trying to figure out but, getting better.Both are eating very well and have stopped hoarding food so much.Milana has already gained almost 2 pounds.I think she will catch up very quickly. Brock is still the same but, eating well.They are the same size so most people think they are twins.They are picking up english very quickly and are obviously liking all the attention they recieve from their siblings.They have enjoyed wagon rides, looking at christmas lights and running around outside without being bundled up like little russians in December.They are becoming little Californians and getting their vitamin D .Having two little toddlers is an adjustment again but, we are just so happy they are here.